Heard by Stones


Vidéo UHD couleur, 6 min 28, avec son

Une collaboration avec Papivores et Hands in the Dark Records

Heard by Stones est une collaboration avec le duo Papivores, composé de la violoniste française Agathe Max et du musicien et producteur britannique Tom Relleen (1978-2020). Il s’agit d’un vidéoclip pour la pièce du même titre qui se trouve sur leur album Death And Spring (2019).

Quelques mots sur l’album :

«Their debut release ‘Death And Spring’ is based around an intriguing experimental compositional approach, taking their inspiration from a novel by Catalan writer Mercè Rodoreda. The text functions both as a fantastical, magic-realist reverie and as an address to oppressive, authoritarian government. Natural images are juxtaposed with a series of increasingly violent human rituals which ultimately weave together into a self-imploding folk tale about life and death.

Taking different aspects of the varying symbolism as starting points, the two musicians conjure expansive sound worlds that veer between evocations of the natural world and dark psychological states. Their individual voices exist in subjection to the themes of the novel and the feelings inspired by it. The result is a remarkably profound and refreshing conceptual album.»
-Hands in the Dark Records

Laurent Lévesque remercie Hands in the Dark Records, Papivores, Agathe Max et Tom Relleen.



BSoD : Orme